SW MN Synod welca

2023 Fall Gathering

The Great River Conference WELCA Fall Gathering "Come All Ye People" will occur on Saturday, October 7th, at Faith Lutheran Church in Becker.

The gathering will begin at 8:30 a.m. with coffee and treats. The first session begins at 9:00 a.m. with our first guest speakers, Pam Mindon and Charles Guido. The second session begins at 10:30 a.m. with our second guest speaker Signe Gray.  Both sessions will be focused around Africa and the various needs of their people.  Following the second session, a lunch will be served by the Women of Faith Lutheran Church.

The $15 registration fee, which includes lunch, must be received by Saturday, September 23rd. Pick up your registration form, which has more information about the speakers, at Salem's Welcome Center.

There will also be a Silent Auction with all proceeds going towards African Ministries.  You won't want to miss this exciting event.  Come for education, fellowship and shopping!