MISSION & vISION planning

Strategic Plan

2020-2021 have been a time of great change for all of us, and for the church worldwide.  Salem has fared well as a stable and celebrating organization.  Praise God!  

For those interested in the leadership plan of this congregation, we make the Stratgic Plan available to you here.  Know that like any other organnizational plan, this may change as life happens and God calls us forward.  Please contact council members or submit a question with any curiousities.  

salem's strategic goals 2022

mission & Vision discernment

Cottage Meetings

In Fall of 2021 Salem gathered over 8 weeks in groups at homes at at the church building to answer these key questions: 

1) Salem’s current strengths?

2) What we hope for in Salem’s future?

3) How we might get there?

4) What are we each taking away from this meeting?

5) Complete the phrase “God’s purpose for Salem is…”  

Read the Final Report here to see what Salem said are our prioirities and desires as we move into God's Promised future. This report includes the raw data sorted into themes, if you would like to see the hard work done by your members.


Living out our mission

Annual Meeting

Our Annual Meeting was held on Sunday Jan 30th 2022 at 11:45am.  2021 Annual Reports are written by the volunteer team leads and staff of Salem Lutheran church.  The Constitution and Explanation were updated and written by a task force of the Council. 

2021 Annual Report

2022 Constitution & Explanation

Listen, Share, Love

Curious about WHY a church would undergo a branding campaign?  Here is what we are thinking..

  • A brand is a visual representation of who we are and how we want people to know us.

  • According to the Cottage Meeting feedback, Salem wants people to know us as a congregation that reaches beyond our building into people’s real lives, with warmth, with connection, with authenticity.

  • Santa Lucia is an icon at Salem, an image of both where we come from and who we want to be: a light-bearer for the world.

  • Another cottage meeting priority was a Biblical foundation.  Therefore, the tagline Living The Story is a way to summarize how God’s story and our Story connect, the life we are living together, the way we are sent into the world to make Jesus known. 

  • The cross was added to the logo design in a way that reminds us of the Paschal (Easter) candle.  This candle is present in our worship as a reminder of the work God has done on our behalf in the resurrection!  We are Living The Story as God’s Easter people who carry Christ’s light into the world, and encounter Christ in those we meet. 

  • The colors chosen will help us to unify our visual representations on our website and on all outreach materials, so that the community member who does not know Salem can easily recognize who we are and what we do by seeing our logo and colors consistently across platforms and paper. Black and white will be used on standard printed materials to be economical.

As the council continues the process of articulating our current vision, the following identity statement is offered by the Marketing & Publicity Team as a way for us to communicate who we are and what we are about. This paragraph does not determine our vision, as that will be more specific to the actions and ministries we understand God calling us to.  This paragraph is meant to help us describe the character of Salem as we have been and will continue to be:

Salem is Living The Story in our hearts and with our hands--bringing light, warmth and nourishment to the community. Our candle glows from the east side to the world, welcoming all through our music, ministry and mission. This light is reflected in our actions, making Jesus known inside and outside our church walls. Salem’s glow gently awakens the world to God’s love. 

new Mission & Vision in pRocess

New Logo

In Salem's May Council Meeting, the Congregational Council approved this new logo! 

In the coming months you will see a brand roll out where we will begin to use this logo, along with unified colors to represent ourselves to the community.